Strathmore Combat Patrol Tournament

500 Point Rogue Trader Tournament

10th Edition Warhammer 40k

10th Edition Combat Patrol Rules


When: September 21st, 2024

Where: HOB’s Hobbies, 116 2nd Avenue, Strathmore AB

Players: Max 16

Rounds: 3 for 8 players or less, 4 for 9-16 players. 

Points: Combat Patrol List.

BCP Link:

Entry - $30 per player. 16 player Cap.


Games will be played using the most recent rules from Games Workshop, 10th Edition Combat Patrol. 
Only units and war-gear loadouts listed in the combat patrol can be used 


Check in 1000-1030

Round 1 – 1030-1200

Lunch Break – 1200-1300

Round 2 – 1330 -1500

Round 3 – 1500-1630

Round 4 (If needed) – 1630-1800

Prizing and Voting – 1800-1830 (1630-1700 if tournament runs 3 rounds)

What you need to bring

You will need each model required to match the combat patrol army roster listed in your army’s codex/index.

Models war-gear does not need to match the codex/index war-gear, however, only weapon profiles indicated in the codex/index will be permitted to use. 

You will also need to bring dice, a measuring tape, and written or electronic access to the stratagems, secondaries, and warlord traits of your combat patrol army. Chess clocks are permitted if both players agree to them, but are not mandatory.

There is no painting requirement to participate, although only players who have all models painted to the 10th Edition rulebook definition of “battle ready” (including basing requirements) will score the 10 pts for being battle ready.

Missions and Secondaries

Missions will be chosen at random by rolling a six-sided die based on the grid shown on page 5 of the combat patrol section found in Appendix 2 of this Document: Rules Supplement. 

Each player will choose one secondary mission from their armies combat patrol secondary options found in their codex/index. Each player may select one warlord trait from their combat patrol army’s codex/index. 

Scoring and Prizing

Standings will be based on BCP scoring. 

If a game should end before five battle rounds have elapsed, the score as of the last completed battle round shall stand as the score for the game.
Players will vote for “best in tournament” for their favorite army based on painting and basing. 
Players will vote for “most sportsmanlike” for the player they felt demonstrated the best values of sportsmanship and fair play.

Prizing will break down as follows – 

1st place – 30% of prize pool

2nd place – 20% of prize pool

3rd place – 10% of prize pool

Best in Tournament – 20% of prize pool

Most Sportsmanlike - 20% of prize pool

The event will be scored using win-loss-tie record, and in the case of a draw total secondary points will be used as the first tiebreaker. Total points scored will be the second tie-breaker. 

·       This structure and prize amounts are subject to change depending on attendance and will be reviewed during the Players Meeting.

Appendix 1: Terrain Placement Procedure

The following start of game procedure will be followed (note this is a deviation from standard order of operations):

Players will place objectives
Players will roll off to decide Defender and Attacker
Players will choose secondaries
Players will then place terrain alternating between Defender and Attacker:
Terrain is placed by each player in their own half of the board (territory)
Defender places first
Terrain must be placed according to the following:
Any terrain that can block movement must be placed at least 4 inches away from other terrain pieces and from the edge of the board.
If one or more players has a Fortification, place them during terrain setup treated as an additional terrain feature for the owning player (meaning they may only be set up in their half of the table) following normal rules for Fortification placement per the rule book.
Storage containers must be placed such that all containers are touching with no gaps present between them, with the longest side of each container facing the table.
Terrain placement comes out of the total time allowed per round
If a player is unable to place all of their terrain pieces, or if there are concerns about the ability for a player to move a model with a base larger than 4 inches, a judge will need to be notified and a final ruling will be made.



Appendix 2: Rules Supplement


Select Patrol Enhancement and Determine Mission